Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Koan #12: Time and the Divine

What is most obvious to the wise, and thus still elusive to most men until it is too late for them, is that Man’s most precious resource is time, for from it all other things flow. Let one not, therefore, waste it on the trivial and the banal; the Believer especially must heed this, for not only is the Believer’s time accountable to the Almighty, it is also for the Almighty. Every moment can be used fruitfully and faithfully for Him in some manner. Thus the Believer’s time is doubly prized, for he knows both that it is precious and that it is for God, a combination of utmost importance. But by the same token, the Believer’s waste of this precious resource is doubly sinful, and he will be held accountable for any waste of it twofold. Let the Believer remember this and act on its truth.

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