13 years ago
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Koan #25: The Church is Not a Force for Good in this World
It is an issue often raised by both Unbeliever and Believer alike, though it is primarily the former that uses it as a form of attack against the latter. And the issue itself is whether the Catholic Church has, is and will be a force for good in the world. Upon first glance, such a question may indeed seem interesting and intellectual, if not down-right critical to answer. Yet it only takes a further moment of actual reflection to see just what an inappropriate and twisted—even foolish—question that this is. Why? For the Catholic both knows and has been warned (John 15:18-25) that those that do not believe in the Church or follow her, will view what She teaches as “good for the world” as bad and what She teaches as “bad for the world”, they will see as good. Indeed, the world shall hate the Church, as the Church has been told, for what She holds morally dear. Therefore the Catholic can never convince the Unbeliever of the Church’s goodness in this world until he convinces the same Unbeliever to actually see and agree to the true good that the Church teaches. Till this is achieved, all that the Catholic states as good for the world will be seen as its reverse, or at the very least, it will be seen in a misaligned manner, rendering the Unbeliever’s view of it naturally skewed. And furthermore, as this world is fallen and as the men in it are wounded in conscience, it is no surprise that Catholicism and its teachings and its actions will be viewed as bad rather than good, for it presents a light that pierces through a darkness that does not wish to be penetrated, and even detests the light for its illuminating work. Let the Catholic thus be comforted in the knowledge that when any Unbeliever intones that the Church is not but a force for evil and pain in this world, it is simply confirming what the Catholic should expect, and consequently, it should serve to actually strengthen the Believer’s faith, not deteriorate it.
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