Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Koan #1: Nothing New

What that is new can be added to the Truth? Nothing! All one can hope is that he utters something already known in a changed way or brings to light that which was already existent but veiled, and thus reaches the man who, though deaf to the old articulation, is, due to a change in word, tone or phrasing, receptive to the new. Let all these words then be this, and let the hope remain that they bring illumination to some that would otherwise remain in darkness.


  1. I read something last night in a novel by a Catholic fiction writer that gave me an aha moment about my relationship with Christ. What you say is true, the nuance, the time, the receptivity of the reader, they all come into play and I suspect work as conduits for the Lord.

  2. Most definitely. And I think that it is much like a present that continues to be re-wrapped. The core gift stays the same, but the packaging needs to be changed depending on whom the gift is going too.

